Nyelvtanulói levelek, közösségi emlékek, cikkek

Visszajelzés, rólunk mondták, vélemények, dokumentumok

1949 óta sok generáció tanult nyelveket az Élő Nyelvek Szemináriumában és szerzett igényes nyelvtudást és ért el sikereket az életben a nyelvtudás segítségével. Több mint félmillió beiratkozó tanult nyelveket a tanfolyamainkon az elmúlt évtizedek során 2008-ig.
Központunkat sokan keresték, keresik fel olyan nyelvtanulók, akik hálásan gondolnak arra, hogy nyelvtanulásukban segítettük őket. Sokan küldtek, küldenek képeslapot, levelet, amely azt jelzi, hogy gondolnak az iskolára

Mi ezért mindig nagyon hálásak vagyunk azoknak, akik veszik a fáradságot.

Dear Language School,
On the very first class I was quite nervous because I knew that TOEFL is the hardest English exam ever; however, my teacher, Sandy managed to give me a lot of self-confidence and courage.
I really enjoyed the classes as Sandy is a very cool teacher. She is full of energy and she passes it also on her class. Although she sets high expectations towards her students, she also gives us the needed background and preparation.She always provides us with useful feedbacks, highlights the improvement points and her positive attitude helps us to want to achieve more.
I am so grateful for her as she helped me a lot during my preparation for TOEFL® and even in the last days she was ready to practise a bit more with me.
Best regards,

Hi Sandy,
I would like to say Thank You!! I took the TOEFL® test at the beginning of January and I got to know my scores yesterday night. You know that I had to reach 80 points for the California University in Sacramento. And imagine, I reached 85 points. So I would like to thank You, it succeeded because of you! I am so happy now.)
Thank You very much and best wishes,

The TOEFL iBT test seems a very difficult test at the first sight, but it isn’t after completing the TOEFL course of the school. At the lessons we practiced every part of the test and our teacher taught us the typical difficulties and their solutions, and also the transitions needed to a TOEFL test. We could learn how to build up a perfect answer at the speaking and writing parts and how to search the main ideas at the readings and listenings. Large amounts of testing sheets were given so we could practice not only at the lessons but at home as well. All in all, after a successful exam, I can say that this course absolutely helps in the preparation for the the TOEFL iBT.
Eszter Kozma

I am a student at the University of Technology. I needed 90 points in the TOEFL iBT® exam for an international scholarship at one of the best European University. Although, I have an intermediate exam which I did more than four years ago, I knew that I have to practice and repeat a lot to reach my goal. There are certain books which help the self-study preparation, but when I started practice alone I realized that each book has a different method and I got confused. Moreover, I can’t exercise the speaking tasks alone. That’s why I decided to go a TOEFLcourse.
The teacher of the course described the requirements of this type of exam very clearly and showed us useful methods and examples how we can response better for each task. Her advantageous advice aid doing my best in every part of the exam. Even, she explained the examiners points of view to help us to improve the appropriate skills.
The speaking session is the most difficult part of the TOEFL iBT, therefore we practiced this in most of the lessons. Thanks to this course I can feel a significant development in my speaking. I believe that for these tasks a good teacher is essential and in a group we can learn a lot from the others as well.
One of my main reasons, why I participated in the course, that I needed a constant feedback about my work. Is it good, bad or enough and what should I practice more? The teacher, besides the useful suggestions, always evaluated our answers objectively and gave points in the same way as in the exam.
Finally, I have to mention that in the course we did plenty different tests form several books, much more that I would find alone. Furthermore, the teacher paid attention for students equally and I felt that she really cared about us. Summing up, thanks to the course and my independent preparation I got 103 points on the exam, more than what I had expected and needed (the University asked 90 points). The TOEFL exam was an important criterion and now I have already won the scholarship and I am going to the Netherlands in the next semester. I am sure that it will be a life-long experience and wouldn’t have reached it without the TOEFL® course and exam.
Eszter Makkos

Hi Sandy,
I am Monika from your autumn Wednesday TOEFL group!I’ve got 105 points on the test!!I am very happy and I would like to thank you very much for the good preparation!!!!THANX a lot!!
I and – as I spoke to others I can write – we liked your lessons very much. It was good, it was diversified, we prepared for every part of test. Being for 5 or 6 was also good, we could hear how others fulfill the tasks. The final probe test was also efficient, we could measure ourselves up. Thanks once again!
I wish You a very happy Chritmas
Monika Hartman

Kedves Tanár Úr!
Sok szeretettel küldöm üdvözletemet Philadelphiából. Tetszik a város, szerencsére a túloldalon látható helyeket időben megnéztük – most pénzhiány miatt zárva vannak. Az angollal nincs különösebb problémánk.
Tisztelettel és szeretettel,
Gyöngyi és Éva

Egy Régi Újságcikk
Gusztáv Nagy
Xenia’s letter to Sandy
Újságcikk 1994
Művelődésügyi Közlöny 1963
Köznevelés 50 BPGy
Újságcikk 60. évforduló
Az Év Tanára életmű díj 2024 kapta Biró Pál Győző az Élő Nyelvek Szemináriumának igazgatója:

Nyelvtanulói képeslapok, újságcikkek

Régi plakátok