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P. 40

since there was no work at home. They were the wanderers of
            Europe  in  the 1960s.  But the  locals  showed  interest  too,  so  I
            told them the story of Bánk bán.  They were amazed to hear
            the events of such an old century; even greater was their awe
            when I hinted at the fact that the first English royal dynasty, the
            Plantagenet dynasty had some Hungarian blood in them.
                   I told them that when the Danish king of the North Sea
            and the  Baltic  Sea  conquered  Britain  in  1016, thus becoming
            the  king  there  as  well,  the  English  princes,  Edmund  and
            Edward,  fled  to  and  found  refuge  in  the  court  of  King  Saint
            Stephen,  Stephen  I  of  Hungary  (997  –  1038).   Agatha,
            Stephen’s  daughter,  married  to  one  of  them  and  returned  to
            Scotland  in  1037.  Their  child,  Saint  Margaret,  later  became
            queen;  the  lineage  of  the  Plantagenet  dynasty  (which  ruled
            England for 335 years) goes back to Alfred the Great and Saint
            Margaret (the granddaughter of Saint Stephen) joins in at one
            point.  Legends  say  that  a  high  number  of  Hungarians
            accompanied the  couple  to the  British  Isles  and  settled  there.
            Many  Scottish  families  (e.g.  Dortmund)  acknowledged  their
            Hungarian origins for a long time. Maybe they still do, although
            the sublime English-Hungarian relationship had long faded into
            the past by the events of the 20  century.
            They took me to a farm too to have afternoon tea. As we were
            sitting  around  the  table,  the  situation  evoked  a  whole  line  of
            memories about my childhood, about all those days spent at the
            mansion at Baracska. The farm looked as if it was a beautiful
            park  instead  of  anything  else,  with  asphalt  roads  and  nice
            buildings for the animals. Those working on the farm asked if I
            had known whiskey. Sure, I said, and they gave me some in a
            large cup. It was so strong and raspy, unlike any other kind I
            had ever tasted by that time, that I hid the cup behind the curtain

            25  The stage play, written by József Katona, on which the opera is based is one of the
            quintessential  Hungarian  plays.  It  is  set  in  the  early  13   century  and  presents  the
            downfall  of  Bánk  bán,  one  of  the  most  trusted  royal  advisors,  killing  the  Queen,
            Gertrude, in the absence of the King.
            26  The first monarch of Hungary, the founder of the state.

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