Page 17 - Microsoft Word - 01_A MÁSIK OLDAL English.doc
P. 17

moment, my “inferiority complex”, as it was referred to, gained
            a big portion of support.
                   Nationalizations went on and on, it was even announced
            on radio in 1951 how severely were Hungarian capitalists and
            aristocrats  punished  again:  the  mansion  of  Klára  Drozdy  in
            Baracska, with  all its belongings and  lands,  was nationalized,
            and this mansion with four Corinthian columns, tympanums, at
            the entrance and 19 rooms inside and a swimming pool in the
            back,  was  to  be  used  as  a  culture  community  centre.  It  did
            happen. The swimming pool became a silo. After that, when the
            building,  the  walkway  and  the  beautiful  park  surrounding  all

            this  started  going  to  waste,  the  whole  estate  became  a  TSZ
            centre.  Eventually,  when  the  whole  natural  ground  became  a
            victim  of  desolation,  the  area  became  a  yard  for  tractors  and
            machinery,  and  the  gas  and  oil  seeped  into  the  ground  two
            meters deep.
                   Since  Klára  Drozdy,  my  mother,  survived  the  era  of
            communism, she was compensated with a compensational ticket

            5  Termelőszövetkezet. „Corporation of Production”, a Collective Farm.

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