Page 14 - Microsoft Word - 01_A MÁSIK OLDAL English.doc
P. 14

Zenegimnázium (High School of Music) for a long time, despite
            having had the chance of becoming  a prominent figure in the
            Ministry  before.  As  Chief  Superintendent  of  Education  of
            BudaPest County and spokesman of the Ministry, he could have
            reached  the  highest  of  ranks.  As  he  put  it:  “the  table  share
            turned”, and those on the other side came to the fore, so he did
            not want to participate in this anymore.
                   Along  with  some  teacher  colleagues,  he  founded  a
            language school, which he named Élő Nyelvek Szemináriuma
            (Living Languages Seminar), in order to have some additional
            income.  They  named  it  a  working  community  of  teachers.  In
            those days, lawyers were forced to form working communities
            of lawyers, so that the new power structure could oversee them
            more easily. The idea came from here, and Living Languages
            Seminar could get along like this until 1963, when the People’s
            Commission  of  Control  decided  to  find  that  the  working
            community  is  in  fact  none  other  than  a  suspicious  private
            “hodgepodge in their eyes” and the case went to court.
                   There were attempts to integrate the school into one of
            the state language schools. My father responded by saying that
            he believed that it would not damage the sea if you poured a
            bottle of champagne into it. Merely the champagne will go to
                   To our huge surprise, the undersecretary of the Ministry
            of  Culture  spoke  in  favour  of  us,  saying  that  half  of  Váci
            utca/Street  (a  prominent  shopping  street)  consisted  of  private
            businesses, and that the seminar did some serious work in the
            field of teaching languages. This was true by that time actually.
            Not to mention that I also started to make myself useful at the
            school about that time.
                   To those few wanting to learn foreign languages, there
            was nowhere else to turn to other than our Living Languages
            Seminar  and  the  two  state  language  schools,  which  were
            founded later. There were quite a few students surnamed Szabó

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