Page 88 - Microsoft Word - 01_A MÁSIK OLDAL English.doc
P. 88
and the Austrian authorities made a mistake when they did this,
because on the one hand they alienated the Hungarians from
themselves, but vae victis, alas, for the vanquished. On the other
hand, the war of independence proved that the Austrians could
be defeated, and this process led to the unification of the
provinces in Italy, they got rid of the Austrians, and Italy
became independent. By the time the shaken Austrian power
chose compromise (1867) with Hungary, history passed by the
two sides, and despite the fact that the compromise was
followed by a rapid temporary economic recovery in Hungary,
our country paid a heavy price for it. The compromise was fatal
both in 1867 and in 1989, because it came from above, and
others were in a winning position, and not the Hungarian
population en masse. In addition to a narrow domestic segment,
with the economic changes implemented according to foreign
interests, the liquidation of production sites, and the appearance
of goods flowing in from abroad instead, a wide segment of the
population lost their jobs and livelihoods and became toys.
Getting to know the modern techniques, technological
procedures and practices that came in did not make up for the
loss that society suffered. Greed could have been kept in check
better. We all hoped for a correct national policy, as the country
was so happy about the change. In good faith and in many cases
During discussions, it was raised how the huge differences in
prices in the two worlds so close to each other, the huge
difference in income generation, will disappear. A large part of
the population became vulnerable. If they started a business,
they could not count on such advantages as foreign investors
with great international power and a narrow domestic group.
With their influence, foreign investors shaped the legislation
according to their interests, often the foreign e.g. the desired bill
was drafted in a telecommunications institute, and then it was
adopted by the parliament. Socialist, liberal governments made
up of ex-communists were at the forefront in this field. They