Page 52 - Microsoft Word - 01_A MÁSIK OLDAL English.doc
P. 52
prepared for anything. Even to the father's rebuke - I thought -
but he told me with bursting joy that all his dreams are a
grandchild, and since he is old enough, he will retire to enjoy all
the joys that come with it. Well, I thought, I got over that, but
where and how are we going to live. He said that one room in
their apartment - the girls' room - was perfect for this.
My friend was an architect, and I had already worked at the
Technical University of Budapest, so I thought that a new wing
of the building could be built attached to the room, you just
have to agree with the other co-residents. It took a bit of a polite
approach, but the agreement was reached, the plan was
completed, and we took out all the loans that were available at
the time, and I gave up on the new car.
We got married on August 3, 1972. The bricklayer came here
and there, until I got tired of his absence and started organizing
the work myself, and then
he quickly became jealous
and more efficient. He
probably needed the
money too.
I worked full-time at the
Language Institute of the
Technical University. I
liked the job and really fell
in love with the work
there. The English degree
was revealing at the time,
and surely resulted in my
being classified as a
"politically inappropriate person". At the conferences of the
language institute, the course organization sounded like a
Russian language schedule and a foreign language schedule. I
kept repeating that Russian was also a foreign language to me.
In English, I put together a new exam schedule and exam
material upon request, and someone in higher position made a