Page 80 - Microsoft Word - 01_A MÁSIK OLDAL English.doc
P. 80

8. The responsibility is mine

            What  followed  was  what  you  could  already  expect,  but  to
            understand what  it  means,  which  you  can never  imagine:  my
            father passed away in 1985. He was the first of the family to
            leave. It was as if all the holding power had gone. For years I
            dreamed that he was still alive and that he had come back. At
            the  time  of  his  death,  we  had  already  lived  in  separate
            households for 13-14 years, but we still worked together at the
            language  school.  In  the  1970s,  he  stopped  teaching,  and  I
            carried on the Biró name in the classroom, in the tuition, but he
            remained  the  head  of  the  school.  Before  he  passed  away,  he
            threw away all the documents, saying that the world had already
            changed,  and  all  I  found  were  pages  of  the  amendment
            proposals I had submitted, along with a few lists and invoices. I
            had to do something because the lawyer ordered the family to
            save the business from the bankruptcy it was in. If we don't do
            it, the state will seize everything, first compensate itself, and the
            family will have nothing left as an inheritance. So, I went back
            and  told  the  teachers  the  truth  that  there  had  been  no  tax
            payments  for  years,  no  accounting,  and  they  might  even  be
            involved into the investigation. I was elected director to assess
            the damage and do something about it. I put these into shape
            with a lawyer and acted as the school director, paid the arrears,
            organized the autumn courses as usual. My summer and a good
            part of my inheritance were gone, but the teachers remained. In
            the  autumn,  at  the  teacher's  meeting,  I  reported  on  the
            development  to  the  teachers  who  had  returned  from  vacation
            and were rested, and announced that in the future only teachers
            with  a  diploma  could  teach  in  the  school,  the  groups  of  35
            people  would  cease  and  the  maximum  number  of  the  group
            would be 15, then 12, it was mandatory to use tape recorders
            and videos in the in classes.
            Two  teachers  left,  saying  that  they  could  not teach  in  such a
            small group. There was someone who didn't have a degree, but

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